Sports Week – Tuesday
Day two of Sports Week and the weather was kinder allowing us to get out and about. Our Explorers and Rainbows classes went for a boat ride around Poole Harbour while the rest of the students enjoyed the activities on-site. We continued the theme of Paralympic sporting events. The students were trying their hands at the exciting sports of Fencing and Rifle Shooting along with the more sedate but no less fun Tri Golf. There was also swimming, bike riding and a Paralympic scavenger hunt. A full day of sporting fun.
Today is Grand Prix Day with not only our two big race events but also coming into school we have loads of interesting motor vehicles from WW1 to the present day. We have a Harley Davidson and a 1935 military scout with machine gun as well as a troop carrier and other iconic vehicles. There is also an Ice Cream seller and a Coffee man on hand for refreshments. Let’s hope for sunshine!