Welcome back everyone. We hope you had a great Easter break despite the weather which let’s face it was awful, anyway we’ve hit the new term running with lots of events and things happening in and around the school which will keep us busy right up to the end of July. Our exciting new drama production “The Lorax” is in pre-production and will be presented at the De La Salle Theatre, St Peter’s school Southbourne on Sunday 28th April. Watch this space for ticket info. On the sporting front we have the National Senior Boccia Finals, the South West Regional Athletics and the South West Table Cricket Heats all coming up in May and with all the other bits and pieces which go into a school term it promises to be a very productive time for us. Our new Hydro Pool building continues to take shape and there will be a full update shortly. We start the new term with an update on our “An Apple for Teacher” fundraising initiative to supply each class here at VEC with an IPad. As you will see from our IPadometer I’m delighted to announce that we now have enough funds to supply a shiny new Ipad to 8 of our classes! This is down to a very generous donation from the family of one of our Post 16 students and also the continued efforts of staff and friends. These devices will have a huge impact on our students learning experience so once again thank you one and all. Stay tuned folks.