Home School Agreement
We, the School, will try to:
- Do everything in our power to care for your child’s safety and happiness
- Provide a balanced curriculum adjusted to meet the individual needs of your child
- Be open and welcoming and keep parents informed about school events and procedures
- Maintain high expectations through good relationships and developing responsibilities
- Help your child achieve high standards and provide the support that they need to progress
- Keep an open line of communication between you and the school, ensuring that you are well informed of your child’s progress and achievements also general developments within school
We, the Parents, will try to:
- Ensure that my child attends school regularly
- Inform the school if my child is going to be absent for any reason
- Have our child ready for school transport on time
- Dress our child in accordance with the school guidelines
- Support the school’s guidelines and absence policies
- Attend Parents’ Afternoons/Evenings and meetings about our child
- Encourage and support our child with his/her work
- Attend our child’s Annual Review meetings
- Use the Student Planner as a communication tool between us and the school
I, the Student, will try to:
- Do my best
- Follow the Golden Rules
- Be kind and considerate to others
- Take care of the equipment I use
- Take care of school property
- Try hard to achieve the targets set for me
- Encourage my parents to be involved in school life