01202 763697

01202 763697


We are a Green Flag Eco-School.  The Green Flag Award is an international initiative which encourages students to engage with environmental and sustainable development issues. It is awarded to schools with high achievement in their programme. It is a recognised and respected eco-label for performance in education for sustainable development. We are now aiming to be an Eco Schools Green Flag Ambassador School!

The whole school have contributed to many Eco-projects that have been set up by our committed and enthusiastic Eco-Committee. The Eco-Committee is open to all students in KS1 and above and meetings are always very well attended. We have ‘Switch Off Fortnights’ and ‘Leave Your Car at Home Weeks’ to encourage students and staff to think about saving energy and reducing pollution.

We have also worked hard on recycling as part of our ‘Waste’ topic and students are enthusiastic about topics such as ‘Biodiversity’ and ‘School Grounds’. Classes have more opportunities to learn outside and this is helped by our new polytunnel for planting, a canopy in the EYFS/KS1 garden and the development of an outdoor sensory zone where students can lie down and observe the plants and trees around them. Students are enthusiastic about growing plants and take part in a yearly growing competition. This year classes are working collaboratively to grow foods for a special ‘Salads and Soups’ day when we will use what we’ve grown to create healthy recipes. This work also contributes to our ‘Healthy Living’ topic.