Ofsted Inspection
We have been notified this afternoon that Ofsted Inspectors will be coming in to school on Thursday 25th June and Friday 26th June to carry out an Inspection. Please see the letter and explanatory guide below. The lead inspector will be Frank Price.
The Inspectors would like to know what you think about the school. If you are a registered parent or carer of a pupil at the school (including pupils on sick leave or who are temporarily excluded), you can tell us your views about the school by completing Ofsted’s online survey, Parent View, at: www.parentview.ofsted.gov.uk. There is also a permanent link to ‘Parent View’ on the ‘Parent and Carers’ tab of the school website.
Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, including the progress made by your child, the quality of teaching, dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The inspectors will use the online survey responses when inspecting your child’s school. Written comments can also be sent to the school in a sealed envelope, marked confidential and addressed to the inspection team.