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Well Done James!

Many congratulations to Portland class student James who has had a busy but very successful few weeks. In August he completed the superhero series triathlon at Dorney Lake competing as part of a team with his Dad and Sister. James ran the 2.5k race using his frame runner, and having completed the distance, decided to run further and ran 5k instead!

A few weeks later James went to Twickenham to be classified and formally recognised as a T72 athlete with the Paralympics. The T72 class, also known as frame running, sees athletes run with the support of a three-wheeled frame. On the 16th September James travelled to Coventry and took part in the CP Sport National Athletics Championships, running 100m and 200m against the current Team GB silver medallist Rafi. James was awarded two gold medals for the under 16s category. Well done James! Your determination and dedication is inspiring.


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