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Lift Off for New House System

Our new house system was officially launched on the 8th February as we came together to work in groups across the school. A range of activities took place to promote the ethos of the system, togetherness, collaboration, competition and fun. This morning the classes were each given a themed task, which included painting and poetry as well as a visit to some real birds of prey courtesy of Bobby from Falcon Crest. Additionally resources were supplied to create bird feeders to be placed around the grounds. The PE also team ran some teambuilding activities and games in the sports hall.

The afternoon started with a fun scavenger hunt put together by the creative arts team with the students completing a list of tasks before taking part in a ‘Dance Off’ where house points were awarded for the best moves. The day was rounded off with a whole school assembly to celebrate the student’s achievements and to announce the winning house for the day. A really brilliant day of community and healthy competition to start the new system on the right foot. Many thanks to everyone who organised the day and our staff teams for their always wonderful support.


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