Our Early Years is a happy and stimulating place where children can get the very best start to their school life. The dedicated and professional Early Years team work with their multi disciplinary colleagues to ensure that each child follows an individualised programme which builds on their strengths and interests whilst making sure that they achieve to the best of their ability in all areas of learning.
Care and guidance
We recognise that every child has their own needs. These are met by forming close relationships between staff, children and their families. By working together, the team support early development and learning, nurturing students’ confidence and communication skills.
EYFS and Our Curriculum
Our Early Years provision ensures that our youngest children have access to learning that reflects their own unique ability. Using the Early Years Foundation Stage framework children are supported to learn through the three ‘Characteristics of effective teaching and learning’: ‘Playing and Exploring’; ‘Active learning’, and ‘Creating and thinking critically’. Through an emphasis on these essential areas of learning, students are encouraged to be engaged, motivated and to think in order to achieve their individual aims as they play and explore in their own ways.
Through the EYFS Prime and Specific Areas of Learning students are supported to develop skills at their own pace and level, with EYFS staff using their knowledge and expertise to support this. Specialist staff support learning in aspects of Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design (music and dance).
Throughout the week students have access to soft play facilities, a Multi-Sensory Interactive Learning Environment, input from therapy staff and use of indoor and outdoor learning facilities. Planning and provision of teaching is individualised. Each student has an ILP and appropriately adapted equipment to suit his/her own needs where appropriate. A multi-sensory approach and Total Communication is used.
For more information on the EYFS visit the government website
Integrating Therapies
Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy are a core part of day to day life in Explorers. It’s common for therapists to work alongside education staff to support children’s development and access to activities and the curriculum.
Each child has their own named therapist who works together with families and staff to provide a high standard of support.
Staff and therapists also use Rebound Therapy (trampolining) and Aquatherapy (swimming) to support physical and emotional development.