01202 763697

01202 763697

Victoria Post-16

Our Post-16 students are based in Carmel House, a large Victorian building set in beautiful wooded grounds adjacent to the school.

Post 16 at Victoria School has a wide ability range. We have worked hard as a team to ensure that the students have a choice in the subjects that they would like to learn, matching courses to ability. Their choices in the past have included: Travel and Tourism, iMedia, Enterprise, Food Technology, Business, Health and Social Care, Law, Sociology, Science and Film Studies.

Our core curriculum areas remain as English, Maths and Information and Communication Technology, which are based upon ‘Functional Skills’ programmes. Functional Skills are seen as crucial in enabling individuals to make the most of learning and employment opportunities, as well as being relevant to life in general.

We have continued to introduce new courses for the students as well as further developing existing courses. The students are given ‘Options’ so that they can choose the areas that they want to learn about as we feel that they are more motivated when given a choice.

We have developed close links with mainstream schools and colleges to further support our students, giving them opportunities to work alongside mainstream students in their studies.

The Post 16 curriculum offers a flexible (1, 2 or 3 year) age appropriate framework for students that will encourage further steps towards maturity and independence, continuing to develop the personal qualities, abilities, interest and confidence which will enable the students to continue with their education, training and adult life.

‘Sixth form students achieve outstandingly well. They gain further qualifications to build upon the progress they have made in functional skills in numeracy and literacy.’ Ofsted 2015

What we offer

We have endeavoured to choose courses that best fit each student’s individual needs. We are therefore running courses from Pre-Entry, through Entry Level to Level 1 and Level 2. Entry level qualifications focus on a particular subject or an area of learning. They develop basic knowledge, skills and understanding and help them build confidence and prepare for further learning and work.

Entry Level qualifications are below Level 1 qualifications. Level 1 courses are equivalent to GCSE ‘D – F’ grades and a Level 2 course is equivalent to GCSE ‘A – C’. In Post 16 we use a variety of examination boards: ASDAN, AQA, Sports Leader, NCFE, Arts Award and OCN.

Please take a look at our information sheet detailing the courses we currently offer in Post 16.

  • Courses Offered in Post 16 Document (coming soon)

‘The sixth form provision is mature and distinctive, preparing them well for adult life. Nearly all students attend some form of continuing education and training when they leave school.’ Ofsted 2015

Learning is growing

Most of the students are working on ‘Personal and Social Development’ (PSD), which is linked into their Life Skills work. The ‘PSD’ course is made up of units, each concerned with different areas of life skills. The students earn credits for completing units, which in turn add up towards their awards. The students will study Citizenship, Home Management, Managing Social Relationships, Health Issues and Sex Education. Also linked to the PSD course, the students gain experience in life skills and travel training. The ‘PSD’ programmes cover learning levels from Entry 1-3 to Levels 1 and 2.

‘Being at Victoria is enjoyable because the lessons are interesting and the staff are caring and fun.’ Post 16 Student

Access to opportunity

In addition to the main courses, further enrichment activities include:

  • Careers and Work Related Activity
  • Off site Travel Training
  • Practical Communication, including VOCA (Vocal Output Communication Aid) work
  • Music (percussion and general appreciation)
  • Enterprise activities
  • Holiday Essentials
  • Experiences of work
  • Sports and Leisure, including swimming and Therapies (depending on need)
  • Sensory experiences and learning through a multi-sensory approach is now firmly established for selected students