Working with our parents is vitally important as we believe that without a well informed and supported parental voice, a Centre such as Victoria would not be successful. Our Parent Participation Group (PPG) is a forum for parents to share ideas, listen or raise concerns about school life. The group meets every half term and will always have a focus such as Therapy at home, accessing grants and funding or finding out about activities or opportunities in the community.
Every parent is able to access the group or support sessions at the school even if they are not able to make the meetings. Parents who are not able to attend forums are still able to add items to the agenda, raise concerns or share success stories or opportunities. In addition to PPG meetings the school regularly hold informal coffee mornings, fundraising focus groups or organise informative conference style information events and seminars for parents.
Communication with parents is also vital and our multidisciplinary team are able to communicate daily with parents through use of the home/school planners via email, phone or by using our keep kids safe text messaging facility. We also hold regular parents afternoons and evenings for both education and therapy as well as inviting parents to whole school events like sports days, performing arts productions and special assembles which celebrate achievement.
Parent view is the new OFSTED site set up to gain the views and opinions of parents from schools across the country, it’s a chance to celebrate all that good in schools and give the inspectorate information on how well schools are performing. Please note that this is not a forum for individual complaints and we would hope that parents would contact the school directly in such circumstances where we can quickly address such concerns.