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01202 763697

School Curriculum Overview

Victoria School aims to offer all students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities for students and helps them prepare for increasing involvement in a fulfilling social and cultural life.

Our curriculum aims to:

  • Promote personal development at the individual’s level and pace
  • Develop independence and life skills including self-advocacy and employability
  • Support students making healthy choices;
  • Establish a safe, secure and supportive ethos;
  • Support learning which stretches individuals;
  • Promote self-confidence and positive behaviour
  • Support students in contributing to the wider community

To see our Curriculum Overview and Curriculum Maps, please use the link below.

We have five distinct curriculums covering the Key Phases of learning in our school, Early Years, Complex/Sensory Needs, Semi-Formal, Key Stages 2 and 3 and Transition (Key Stage 4 and Post 16). There is a coherent curriculum structure, based upon prior understanding and which builds systematically throughout the Key Stages. In Early Years (Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1) and Key Stage 2, a ‘Thematic’ Approach’ is employed to integrate the learning opportunities contingent upon individual needs. This is extended through a ‘Dimensional Approach’ in Key Stages 3 where discrete subjects are taught through mini-projects alongside English and Maths. A semi-formal curriculum is designed for students aged Key Stage 2 or older that are working at a pre-school level.  It continues the thematic approach of Early Years and Key Stage 1, whilst prioritising the development of functional life skills, social skills, and play skills. Our themes also permeate through the eight different multi-sensory impairment domains; from which learning objectives are set pertinent to individual requirement. Where appropriate ‘Routes for Learning’ goals are employed to compliment and further diversify learning opportunities.

In Key Stage 4 and Post 16, the curriculum is structured through Foundation Learning and embedded in individual student choice and aspirations identified through the transition review process. As a direct impact each student (Key Stages 4 & 5) has a Learning Pathway which not only reflects their choices but continues to provide challenge in their learning. The students’ accredited work is externally validated.

Our curriculum provides well organised, imaginative and effective opportunities for learning for all students. We continue to scrutinise new technologies and their applications to see how we can best use them to augment students learning experiences. The curriculum also promotes students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development exceptionally well and in addition, meets very effectively the learning, communication, mobility and other personal needs of all students.

Our curriculum provides well organised, imaginative and effective opportunities for learning for all students. We continue to scrutinise new technologies and their applications to see how we can best use them to augment students learning experiences

The curriculum promotes students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development exceptionally well and in addition, meets very effectively the learning, communication, mobility and other personal needs of all students.

Leaders skilfully weave together academic, personal and therapeutic aspects so that the curriculum meets the individual needs and aspirations.

There are a range of well attended activities on offer at break time, lunchtime and after school.

We are committed to offering our children and young people with the best opportunities. For some, this will include full or part-time inclusion in other settings, usually in mainstream schools or Further Education Colleges, or a Gifted and Talented programme.

English, Literacy and Communication

At Victoria School we ensure that the emphasis on Communication and Literacy across the curriculum is embedded in all teaching and learning opportunities. We use a range of augmentative or alternative strategies to promote the ability of some learners to communicate successfully, enabling them to respond and interact to their full capacity.

We are using our own Symbol Steps to track the progress of Symbol use for reading and writing and use the steps to inform teaching and planning.

We provide regular Phonics and Guided Reading Lessons for groups of learners along with developing their Spelling and Writing Skills. We use the ‘Nessy’ learning programme to track reading and spelling across the school. Nessy also offers highly motivating teaching resources and activities, electronically and paper based.

Our reading schemes are built from the Oxford Reading Tree, Ginn 360 project, Collins and Wellington Square. In addition we use the Rapid Reading scheme with our older students. This is an age appropriate on line resource of e-books and materials. We have a variety of stories, non-fiction books and traditional tales to use with individual students, pairs and groups to develop their reading skills.


Our Numeracy journey starts with great classroom teaching which is focused on each child’s personal pathway. We teach both the basic Numeracy skills and also the application of these skills which make us effective in the world.

  • Equip students with the knowledge and understanding necessary for daily living
  • Develop the mathematical skills required to study other subjects
  • Develop logical reasoning, problem solving strategies and the ability to think in abstract ways
  • Foster a positive attitude to mathematics and an appreciation of its relevance and value

We make our maths relevant and engaging by showing our students how it can apply to their own lives. Emphasis is placed on the cross-curricular nature of Mathematics and every opportunity is taken to use apply mathematics in the school day.

Once the basics are secure we look to accelerate the students in their Mathematics. Where appropriate the students get opportunities to take qualifications. We support this by a personalised classroom experience and extension work. Our students can take Entry Level or GCSE Mathematics and/or Functional Skills qualifications. In addition we offer Adult Numeracy courses.


At Victoria School we aim, through the teaching of Science, to stimulate the students’ curiosity and sense of awe of the natural world, in finding out why things happen in the way they do. We aim to develop students’ ideas and ways of working to enable them to make sense of the world through investigation and the application of process skills. In particular it is our purpose to provide an enjoyable experience of Science.

Computing and New Technologies

Computing and ICT skills are developed through our curriculum.  We cover digital literacy, application of ICT, E-safety, computing and programming at a level appropriate to the students. Our aim is to educate students to use ICT effectively and safely to support students’ life-long learning and communication.

Teaching & Learning

Every moment is a learning opportunity at Victoria School. We provide lessons which are meaningful, accessible, motivating, contextualised and appropriately challenging to maximise progress for each child.

The teaching team has a thorough understanding of each child’s point of learning; their interests, strengths and barriers, developmental stage and learning level.

Learners are supported to develop attention, self-motivation, a “have a go” attitude and to take risks in their learning. They will be enabled to use their skills in a range of contexts, to become increasingly independent, resourceful and resilient when faced with challenges.

Learning is promoted through well organised classrooms and routines, appropriately paced and motivating activities with assessment for learning firmly embedded across all contexts.

Courses and accreditation

As student’s progress through the school there is an increasing emphasis on preparing them for life beyond Victoria.

Alongside accreditation in a range of subjects, students can access a wide range of enrichment and vocational opportunities where they can develop their individual interests and skills.

For an overview of the Key Stage 4 and Post 16 subjects and courses click below:

Off-Site Learning and Activities

Learning that takes place away from the classroom is a very important part of the curriculum at Victoria. What better way to learn about agriculture and food than to than to visit a local farm? Or, where could you possibly find out more about yourself than when tackling an expedition challenge as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award or flying a plane with Aerobility?

Recognising the value of such off-site opportunities the staff at Victoria do everything they can to provide a rich programme of activities and events that captures the imagination and provokes a genuine excitement for learning.

All our classes have regular opportunities for educational visits and to meet visitors for example they go to the theatre, local farms, other schools, sporting venues, musical events.  The list is endless!  Residential experiences are also available each year.