Outstanding Ofsted Report

It’s official, we are OUTSTANDING!

As you know our two day Ofsted inspection took place on 25-26th June and we are delighted to be recognised as an outstanding provision.

Ofsted judged Victoria School as outstanding in all areas.

We are absolutely thrilled that our integrated approach to education, therapy and care enables students to make outstanding progress and achievement. Ofsted says an outstanding school is highly effective in delivering outcomes that provide exceptionally well for all its pupils’ needs, ensuring that pupils are well equipped for the next stage of their education.

The report commented that:

‘Pupils from the youngest to the oldest make outstanding progress.’ They ‘thrive, enjoy school, and achieve well academically, vocationally and in their personal and social development.’

‘The range of subjects and experiences offered to pupils is excellent. The curriculum meets the wide range of learning needs well and equips pupils with the skills they need.’

 They praised the quality of teaching which is ‘outstanding’, ‘dynamic’ and has ‘numerous strengths’, and recognised the ‘exceptional relationships between staff and pupils’.   

 ‘The school’s work to keep pupils safe and secure is outstanding’ and it is noted that ‘staff are very skilled in ensuring all pupils are highly engaged in learning’.

 Ofsted also highlighted that:

Staff are highly committed and enjoy their work’ and that ‘parents are equally fulsome in their praise of the school and hold it in high esteem’.

 We are making a real difference to the lives of our students and their families. We are delighted that the efforts of all those involved and the achievements of the school have been recognised by Ofsted; however we will not rest on our laurels and we will continue to ensure that we are doing our very best for every student.

If you would like to see the full report, please click the link below.

Ofsted Report

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