Wow! Wow! Wow! The total just in is a whopping £4204.92 Wow! This is a huge milestone in our appeal and has been raised incredibly quickly. We are bang on target to raise the £10,000 needed to fully implement Ipads across VEC. We cannot thank you enough. From our Students to our Friends, Staff and Donors you are all amazing. From the many initiatives our Staff have devised to individual donations from Staff, Parents and Companies THANK YOU. YOU have raised the money to enable us to purchase an Ipad for each class!!! So….let’s keep the ball rolling! In order to roll out the Ipads across VEC successfully we need to purchase special equipment to keep them Synced, charged and secure. We also require student friendly cases, supporting insurance, management software, and devices to enable our students to share and display their work as well as the most important element Apps and licencing as well as future development costs. So, let’s move forward and continue the magnificent efforts to raise the remaining £5800 that will make such a difference to our students.

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