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VIBE goes live!

VIBE goes live! VIBE (Victoria Inclusive Broadcasting Enterprise) has made its inaugural broadcast. Coinciding with our Grand Prix day last week we broadcast recorded interviews, music, chat and dedications. There were a few technical hitches but these were quickly ironed out and our new DJ’s Liam and Ramon took to broadcasting like ducks to water. The radio station work group were very pleased with the day’s proceedings which opened the door to even more opportunities to utilise this amazing resource. Currently broadcasting on the school intranet only, staff now have desktop shortcuts and can tune in when appropriate. Since the big day regular shows are now being broadcast and forthcoming shows are in planning and pre-production. We are now actively seeking sponsorship from companies in return for free advertising. We have the room and the equipment but funds are still needed to help establish Vibe as a going concern. More song banks, licencing fees, furniture and decorating all need to be paid for. If you are reading this and are interested in sponsoring Vibe please contact Beth Kay here at Victoria. Exciting times!


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