Stoke Mandeville National Junior Games – Day 4
Head of PE, Simon Higgins has been in touch for the final time from Stoke Mandeville’s 2018 National Junior Games to fill us in on an extremely busy last day. Here’s what the students got up to:
Just left Stoke Mandeville. We have had another action-packed 24 hours.
Polybat – Our students’ performances were fantastic. Amar and Ryan managed to come runners up – an incredible achievement. Regan played with composure and won his competition.
Pool – Esther and Elisha faced off in the final of the competition and the Cue Hall was full to the brim with VEC students and staff supporting both of our superstars. It was a tense occasion and it went to the final black. Elisha eventually came out on top, winning a tightly fought match. The pool coaches were extremely complimentary of all of our students; I was extremely proud. Tyler was awarded a special medal for his enthusiasm towards playing pool (he beat Simon every time!).
Slalom – All our students demonstrated control and accuracy through the intricate course. At the time of leaving, Ryan was leading the event.
Boccia – It goes without saying that we were a team everyone was looking out for and plenty of our students reached the finals. Esther, Torin, Regan, Sophie, Amar and Charlotte all reached their finals. Esther, Torin and Charlotte were all victorious. A massive congratulations to all of our amazing boccia players.
Disco – We finished our last night with a massive party and our students danced the night away. Tyler was certainly entertaining everyone with his singing in the microphone and high-fiving everyone!
All in all, it was another successful trip. Esther summed it up perfectly by saying that everyone achieved above and beyond through playing in a relaxed way without feeling any pressure.
Finally, I would like to thank the staff for giving up all of their time to make it an enjoyable experience for all of the students. My thanks and gratitude go to our wonderful students who were an absolute pleasure to be with all week.
Well done to all of our students. We look forward to seeing you back at school soon, wearing your medals with pride!