World Book Day 2020
Today is World Book Day 2020 and the staff and students at VEC have been enjoying a fantastic literary day. Proceedings began in a special morning assembly. Each class nominated a book which they enjoyed through reading and creative sessions.
For our Post 16 students we’ve held a special World Book Day ‘Dragon’s Den’. Staff members were given the opportunity to express their love of a particular book, read passages and to tell why it means so much to them, and how it has changed their lives. The students then got to vote on a book for each of their classes to delve deeper into it. All the staff held excellent presentations and it was a tough choice for them. Huge thanks to all the staff participants.
It was then a really busy run up to lunchtime with the students preparing their World Book Day masterpieces for this afternoon’s presentation assembly. All classes created something to illustrate their chosen books including models, pieces of music, etc. We were all really impressed by everything that they came up with.
Well done to all of our students and a massive thank you to Sophie Garrett, David Henley, Ben Mitchell and Natalie Tansil for organising the day.